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Total Man Integrity was founded by President/CEO JaMarcia Baines and VP Paul Murray, and established on September 10, 2018. They wanted to start an organization that would bring Maturation, Manifestation, and Motivation to the lives of men. TMI is based on 7 principles that we believe can produce a "Total Man".  Our mission is to educate through oral, written, and active demonstration, according to these principles. 

What is a "Total Man"?

Our definition is a man developing around a mindset built on a foundation of MENTAL and PHYSICAL HEALTH, stability in FINANCIAL affairs, personal RELATIONSHIPS, understanding of PURPOSE, FAITH in God, and creating a LEGACY by perpetuating the Total Man for generations to come.

What makes TMI different?

TMI, understanding the man to represent strength, necessarily places man as the strong foundation of the family—a foundation that’s slowly being chiseled away.  With career uncertainty, a pandemic, and generally making sure that they and their families are well, men are finding more things against them than for them, oftentimes leading them to question themselves about their ability to maintain it all.  Absentee fathers have a drastic effect on the family as a whole.  Others fight addictions and other afflictions that make them seem unworthy and inadequate.   And since the family is the basic unit of society, and the man is supposed to be the strong pillar of the family, we place our emphasis on men for the sake of solidifying the foundation of the family structure, not just for their own edification, but also for their women and children, and society as a whole.  Accordingly, we’ve set the following seven principles as the foundation of our organization, knowing they can provide a basis on which to build our understanding specifically for this cause.  We’ve been miseducated on almost all levels, so at the heart of our principles is an understanding that not only helps with the situations themselves, but also their causes and how to avoid them.  We are all truly “fearfully and wonderfully made”, and once we fully understand what this means, we find an internal fortitude that helps keep us stable in the midst of adverse situations.  And although we focus on men, the principles apply to women as well. 


“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” — Dr. Myles Monroe

Self is the reason for purpose, and purpose is for the sake of self.  Few things are as fulfilling as working in your “labor of love”—the thing you love to do.  Now, some people are currently waiting for their purpose to appear, but purpose is tied to the one by which the purpose is to be done.  For this reason, we place the initial priority on self-knowledge because it’s very likely that those who haven’t found their purpose, have yet to find themselves.  This is easy to see when we contemplate how many people are busy trying to be what they think others want them to be, or those who are trying to be like someone else because they value how someone else’s life looks over how their life looks.  But the heart of self-knowledge is in realizing that we’re more than just the body.  The truth about our “being” has been taught from ancient times, but it is apparent today that the lessons never took hold with some, or were never communicated to the majority of humanity.  Through the process of one’s own reason, we attempt to instill this understanding in order to help establish a firm foundation according to Universal truths that will help those that struggle with finding their purpose see themselves in a way that promotes self-love and self-expression which can help them find it.             


If reason is your process, then there’s no better definition of faith than the biblical one:

Hebrews 11:1  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV)

Now, let’s look at this from the Amplified version for clarity...

Hebrews 11:1  Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].  (AMP)

Why is having faith important?   The definitions above show that “real” faith shouldn’t be “blind”, but one of understanding.  When we say blind faith, we usually mean “devoid of reason”.  Think about it...the areas of your strongest belief are due to the fact that you either know the truth or know enough to feel very strongly about it.  While it’s true that we reason with the understanding of things on the physical plane, for the sake of knowing the physical plane, it’s also for the basis of understanding things on the non-physical plane by the Law of Correspondence (As above, so below...).  It’s of the same nature as the reality of the “unseen” things being “understood by the things that are made” as noted in Romans 1:20.  Therefore, true faith in ourselves concerning our future state of being becomes “understood”, or “seen”, as a reality that is now waiting on us to grow into, or work toward!  This is why faith without works is dead (James 2:26).  Real faith demands action for its own sake!  So, no action means no faith!  But just as there is an invisible force that is the bridge between the unmanifested and the manifested in the Universe (also acknowledged by Quantum Physics), so is faith the invisible force that’s the bridge between the unmanifested and manifested in our lives!  And just as the Universal Laws of gravity and magnetism are true to their is the Divine Law of Faith!    

James 2:26  For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

If faith without works (action in regard to one’s faith) is dead...then faith with works is alive!  And since Spirit is the activating principle of the body, so works must necessarily be the activating principle of faith.  We use reason and logic, concerning life itself, in conjunction with the understanding of scripture to substantiate our faith, seeing that this faith is not only the “glue” that holds us together during challenging times but also the “assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen” according to both the Bible and our own testimony if our past experiences are discerned properly.  We begin this journey with the “Unity of the Spirit” which sets a foundation that makes it hard to get off course once properly understood.

Mental Health

“As above, so below...”    

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”

While the phrase “as above, so below” is best known in reference to the heavenly (or spiritual) and the earthly (or physical), it can also easily be read, “as the state of mind (above), so the state of the body (below)”!  Also, “as the state of the mind, so the perception of the world”.  Thought governs the movements of the body, and it’s also the process by which we reason. Thought is a product of the mind.  The choices we make are according to what we understand about ourselves and the world around us.  Just as we have to keep malware and viruses out of our computers, we must do the same for our minds.  Life itself promotes cooperation, growth, progress, and evolution.  And since our minds govern how we move through life, it should promote the same.  It can strengthen you, or weaken you, plus it can do the same to others!  If there’s a “you” that you wish to be, and a life you wish to have, then there’s a mindset you need to develop that’s capable of “seeing” that image of you in that life unleashing your potential and self-expression—the ability to not only exercise your will on your circumstances but also to know that it’s possible to do so...and more importantly, why it’s necessary to do so.  Too much of society reflects the contrary of Divine Truth, which can only manifest through our contrary understanding of it.  If all of the Natural Universe works together harmoniously, and the difference between humanity and the lower forms of existence is intelligence and speech, then our inharmonious and discordant conditions must come from our contrary thinking and speaking which is directly contrary to the Divine principles of Truth, Life, and Beauty that the natural world perpetually demonstrates.        

Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].  (AMP)

Physical Health

“...As below, so above”

As the mental state can affect the body, so can the body affect the mental state because the state of the body, and how we feel physically, can dramatically influence how we feel about ourselves overall.  This is especially so where our sole concept of being is only identified with the body, with no regard to the spirit.  So, it’s important to keep the body healthy and in shape because it helps add to our self-image, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.  The better our esteem, the better our perspectives of ourselves; the better perspectives we have, the more confident we are, causing us to move and think better.  Diet has become a “four-letter word” and exercise is portrayed as needing to be “rigorous” to be beneficial.  We’ve forgotten the ONLY purpose for food is fuel and sustenance, for energy to burn and nutrients to replenish, and ANY exercise, such as walking, can help.  The body is a living organism, in other, and needs “living” food to sustain itAnd as the body is a necessary component to having “life, and life more abundantly” a slight change of perspective is all that’s needed, and a healthy body in tandem with a healthy mind will be necessary to help us get to the next level.    


We must first understand that just as everything in creation is governed by Universal laws, not just their physical manifestation but also their action, so is the movement of money which is governed by the Law of Circulation.  Donations, tithing, and other monetary gifts fall naturally under this law.  Most people believe that our financial difficulties begin when we first realize we won’t have enough money to cover our expenses, let alone live somewhat comfortably.  And at first glance, that seems about right.  However, our financial problems actually begin with the understanding that it’s money that we actually need.  This can cause us to “worship” something we’re supposed to control and put to work for us, oftentimes working ourselves to an early departure for the sake of obtaining it.  So what can we learn about money that may help us out?  For starters, money has no intrinsic value.  I agree with the philosopher, Allen Watts, who elaborated by saying that ‘money is nothing more than a measurement, like inchesAs inches are a measurement of length, money is a measurement of value, that’s all’.  Also, we tend to forget that we did business as individuals, and as businesses, in the form of “bartering” before the advent of money!  People aren’t valuable because they have money; they have money because they are valuable.  The value in their knowledge, goods, and services are such that people are more than happy to give them money for it.  Employees provide a service to the businesses they work for.  If they want the “extra” pay, they should try going the “extra” mile.  If you don’t care enough about that job to go the extra mile, then find a job where you will, or if you can...make one!  The ”Labor of Love” is a prosperous one!  Proverbs 18:16 says, ‘A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men’.  Whether you realize it or not, you’re a business, and you market yourself all the time.  You market yourself to a possible employer.  Dating can be seen as two people marketing themselves to each other for the prospect of a long-term relationship.  So, the first step in your financial stability will begin the moment you first find value in yourself.  And once you know what you’re worth, you won’t settle for less—nor will you have to!  The rest of your financial universe will revolve around this version of you.  This version of you adds quality, customer care, and dedication whether as a business owner or as an employee.  This version of you “naturally” goes the “extra mile”—and because of this, people and businesses see you as valuable and “naturally” give you “extra money”.      

Next, is the lack mentality.  And while the reason we developed it is justified, the reason we still have it isn’t!  The lack mentality is one where we make “getting by” our financial standard.  As long as we can “get by” we’ll be ok.  If our financial success is based on whether or not we can hit the lotto, or some other form of “instant” financial gratification, and if our financial universe is centered around a mental attitude which states that life is hard, money is hard to make and keep, and I’ll never be well off, and this is reflected in our financial circumstances, then it is reasonable to believe that a change in financial attitude toward prosperity and by adding value to all we do can significantly improve our financial situation.  Let us help you with this! 


Every type of relationship shares these basic (but not total) necessities if they are to endure— understanding, transparency, and cooperation.  These, in turn, build trust and help form the bond that holds the relationship together.  Family ties, friends, lovers, and business relationships (even among employees) all require these, which according to their application will influence how we “relate” to each other—hence the term “relationship”.  The relationship between a man and a woman makes a great starting point considering it involves both genders, allowing us to look at two different perspectives at once.  Now, of the three basic necessities listed above, the most crucial of these is understanding.  It would seem unreasonable to think that two people who truly understood each other in the beginning could misunderstand each other entirely later on in the relationship.  They started out finishing each other’s sentences, and now each has no idea what the other is talking about!  Understanding would single-handedly fix what’s wrong with our relationships.  But understanding goes deeper than just knowing each other.  It involves a proper understanding of how the two will function as a unit regarding all aspects of life as it pertains to them.  The concept of marriage being a “compromise” is solely due to our inability to raise the level of our relationship, which is a result of being incomplete in ourselves upon entering into a relationship.  So we do what we’ve done so often before...we “lower the standard” and introduce “compromising”, which is “settling”, and this in turn, introduces expectancy (of the other person to compromise as well) and comparison concerning who compromises more.  This and other aspects are discussed here, as well as other types of relationships.  These include family ties, friendships, business relationships, and the general understanding of the need for human interaction.          


Legacy is really self-explanatory.  It is simply establishing works, or any other form of “value”, whether material or intellectual that will be passed down to future generations for the sake of enhancing life.  Life was “built” on the principles of Truth, Life, and Beauty.  These formed a foundation that not only allowed for the existence of life, but also a continuation, progression, and evolution of it.  Our Universe confirms that the All-permeating Spirit of Life is a creative one that constantly displays its creativity in its many forms of Self-expression, including humanity, by which its Truth, Life, and Beauty are to be expressed through the individual.  War, disease, famine, greed, lust, dysfunctional families, etc., are all examples of the failure to recognize the Life principles of the Divine Spirit that are inherently working in us, and through our ignorance, acting “contrary” to the law, has caused the Divine Law to work against us instead of for us.  The seven principles of TMI comprise the totality of human function on this plane of existence, and through understanding and application of them, will establish the legacy we strive to perpetuate.  Together, they offer understanding that forms a solid foundation that will give us stability in ourselves, through self-realization and our potential, keeping us from being rocked by the winds of modern-day society, and allowing for an abundant life for generations to come.

Jamarcia Baines

JaMarcia Baines is the Founder and CEO of "Total Man Integrity", an organization dedicated to Empowering, Educating and Equipping men to dream, live and BE their purpose. Though a native of Shreveport, La, he currently resides in the DFW area with his wife and daughter. However, his presence and influence is known and active in various regions as he remains accessible and available to all men in need.

Paul Murray is Co-founder and Vice President of Total Man Integrity. As a lifelong student of Life itself, he was naturally led to teachings and understandings—spiritually, philosophically, and scientifically—that solidified his internal foundation and called him to help others discover the self-imposed limitations through miseducation and wrong thinking that keep many from discovering the truth about themselves and their potential!


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