Start From Where You Are
We are all born in a time and situation that is unique to us individually. Even identical twins have some degree of differentiation and will show these differences throughout their lives. Siblings born under the same roof with the same parents can show significant differences in both behavior and preference. Spirituality and Quantum Physics both show that no two things are alike. Everything in life was created unique and everything about life stresses the need for individuality. And since the argument that "life HAS meaning" far outweighs the argument that "life has no meaning", this necessity for individuality must be important. We sometimes miss the understanding that while we're in the same space (occupancy), we're not in the same place (mentally and emotionally), and all things come to us in our "own" season. As parents, we teach our children according to how we think their lives should develop. If we agree that individuality is important, then we must also recognize that the processes by which we live must be "customized" according to our individuality. Too often, we base our progress and success against the lives of other people. We even do this with our own children. We may be concerned because our 1 yr old isn't walking yet, or our 2 yr old isn't talking. Why? Because society has determined for everyone what his or her time frame should be, based on the average as if that's a fixed statistic. As two children get older, we're ok with one child choosing the "traditional route", but we tend to be harder on the other child who chooses an "unorthodox method". We say things like, "why can't you be like your other sibling", not realizing that's not possible. How many children feel inadequate because they don't think they live up to their parent's expectations? Without seeing through my child's eyes, thinking through my child's mind and feeling through my child's heart, I have no way of knowing what would make them happy, outside of themselves. However, I CAN love and nurture their sense of self-love and self-worth. I've lived long enough to know that many people aren't happy with who they are, based on the actual, or perceived, expectations of others or society's template of what success and happiness should look like. Therefore, the only necessity for us and our children is to be established in our own identity first, and start the journey from there. Our mindset needs to be that we are enough, we are adequate, and we are able. Most importantly, we need to know that's it's ok to be ourselves! When we are concerned with what other people think, we spend more time keeping up the "front" than we do actually "becoming" ourselves. And when we really think about it, we are trying to be who we "think" others "think" we are! It sounds ridiculous when you say it that way, because if we ask anyone who they would like us to be, they would likely say, "Be yourself!" So, let your journey be your journey! The end goal can be universal, but the process must always be individual! If your mindset is to be like someone else, then your mindset isn't on you; therefore, your journey will start from their starting point, not yours! This is sometimes the reason why we "get there" and then aren't happy with what we see, what we have, or who we are! So, above all else, start from where YOU are! The world is a better place because of those who did it their way!