Thoughts In Regard to Gun Violence

The NRA seems to be under fire for something that’s not their fault. No intentional crime ever took place where the desire to commit the crime didn’t first occur. First comes the thought, then comes the action. If someone wants to kill and doesn’t have a gun, he’ll use a knife. A person who truly loves life could never take life. This issue has to be attacked at the nature of the problem. How are people leaving our homes with the desire to kill? How are they leaving our homes mentally unstable, or suicidal, or with low self-esteem, or depressed, or with no sense of identity? Why is it that some family members can’t stand each other? Blood against blood! Why are some living out their lives without a true love of life, the most precious gift? This is what needs to be addressed! All of the issues of this country are fundamental at best. Humanity is a concept of one whole entity, complete in itself—all of us together. There’s no individual or group on this planet that’s not a part of humanity. I know...this is basic! But our actions prove that we don’t get it. We’re programmed to look at the parts, not the whole! And this idea of separatism or division is the breeding ground for all of our issues...a breeding ground with ignorance of life, self, and the world as its foundation.

What are the most fundamental things in life that we all want? It’s simply an enjoyable Life, Love, and Liberty. We should all agree at this point. Now, the million-dollar question is: Do we want the same for everyone else? The million-dollar answer had better be “YES”! And if we’re still in agreement, we’ve just established the foundation upon which society as a whole should be built—a foundation that can only operate in the spirit of unity, cooperation, and an overall good sense of being. If at any time, our thoughts, words, or actions are contrary to this foundation...we can consider ourselves a part of the problem! Now back to the topic...

If the object of this point is to eliminate harming or killing, which is the taking of life, then by reason alone, we must find a true desire and appreciation for life; not just in regard to ourselves and our own families, but in regard to everyone. So now let’s see what causes us to act contrary to this. Anger, jealousy, and the love of money are some things that can cause someone to harm another person—and depression, or shame, can cause someone to harm themselves. This is not an exhaustive list. Now, looking at these things we see something they all have in common...they have a connection to feelings that are contrary to the feelings that Life, Love, and Liberty would nurture. And in their inability to deal with these feelings and hold themselves accountable for why they feel that way, they simply take it out on someone else. Now, we first learn how to respond emotionally to situations at an early home! And if we go from childhood to adulthood never learning how to deal with our feelings it’s because we were never taught how. We’ve become a nation of people who are led by our feelings. And since these feelings are provoked by outside influences, then those influences control us!

Mastery of self is a duty we owe to ourselves and should want to develop. It’s at the heart of Spirituality, which gives us the internal foundation that’s so solid that the world’s provocations become ineffective. We get an understanding of Life, who we are, the ways of the world, and the best way to not just navigate through it, but to influence it! This is what we should be understanding and teaching to our children. At present, we’re spiritually bankrupt, watching the travesties going on in our society and in the world, and failing to make the connection! Human evolution has nothing to do with our technological advances, which is a measurement of our ability to develop according to our understanding of how things work. Its true measurement is how far we develop as actual humans,  and technology can’t help us with that! And phase one is the global attainment of that Life, Love, and Liberty mentioned before—and we can look outside our windows and see that we’ve got a long way to go! We have yet to tap into our true essence and power. In realizing the beauty of Life, the desire to destroy life will cease! And this is not an undertaking by which we try to fix the’s each one dealing with themselves—and the world changes by default! Let this mind be in you! A house divided will not stand, so let’s stand together! May GOD bless you in all your ways! Grace and Peace!


Start From Where You Are